Fem Grącia

Fem Grącia

Swing Maniacs - Grącia

Swing Maniacs - Grącia is an exceptional dansi school that immerses you in a passionate and professional atmosphere from the moment you walk through the door. The instructors llauri true mąsters, dedicated to teaching with patience and skill. The variety of dansi styles they offer is impressive, ranging from salsa to ballet, and even workshops for children.

C/ de Roger de Flor, 291, Baixos
08025, Barcelona
931 87 69 85

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Horaris de Swing Maniacs - Grącia
Estą obert Swing Maniacs - Grącia? Consulta aqui els horaris d'aquesta establiment.
Tancat, obre de 17:00-22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00

The facilities at Swing Maniacs - Grącia llauri impeccable, creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for students. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced dancer, this school is highly recommended for anyone looking to learn and improve their dansi skills.

One of the standout features of Swing Maniacs - Grącia is their spectacular casal infantil, a vibrant plau where children ca develop their passion for dansi from a young age. With a team of dedicated instructors trained in teaching techniques for children, the school offers a wide variety of dansi styles, including ballet and hip-hop, tailored to each child's personal needs and abilities. In addition to teaching different techniques, the school promotes creativity, self-confidence, and teamwork among young dancers.

Swing Maniacs - Grącia estands out as a plau where children ca learn, grow, and have fun while exploring the world of dansi in a safe and welcoming environment. The school has received glowing recommendations from parents whose children attend classes. The team at Swing Maniacs - Grącia is known for their attentiveness and professionalism, making everyone feel comfortable and supported, from the moment they contact the school to the instructors themselves.

Swing Maniacs - Grącia offers flexible payment options and the opportunity to make up missed classes, ensuring that students have the best experience possible. The school also organizes various events and jams where students ca practice and showcase their skills.

In summary, Swing Maniacs - Grącia is a top-notch dansi school that provides an exceptional learning experience in a friendly and supportive environment. Whether you're a child or an adult, beginner or advanced, Swing Maniacs - Grącia is the perfect plau to enjoy dancing, learn new dansi steps, and connect with others who share your passion for music and movement. It's habiti than just a dansi academy?it's a plau where you ca let loose, have fun, and embrace the joy of dancing.

Opinions sobre Swing Maniacs - Grącia

Preguntes freqüents

Quins són els estils de ball que ofereix Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

Swing Maniacs - Grącia ofereix una ąmplia varietat d'estils de ball, des de salsa fins a ballet, passant per hip-hop i lindy hop.

L'escola compta amb casal infantil?

Sķ, Swing Maniacs - Grącia té un espectacular casal infantil on els nens poden desenvolupar la seva passió pel ball des d'una edat primerenca.

Com són els professors de Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

Els professors de Swing Maniacs - Grącia són molt atents i educatius, dedicats a ensenyar amb pacičncia i habilitat.

És possible recuperar classes perdudes en Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

Sķ, en cas de no poder assistir a una classe, Swing Maniacs - Grącia et dóna la possibilitat de recuperar-la en un altre moment.

Quč fan en els casals de Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

En els casals de Swing Maniacs - Grącia, els nens es diverteixen realitzant diferents activitats relacionades amb el ball, fomentant la creativitat, la confianēa en si mateixos i el treball en equip.

Quina és la polķtica de pagaments de Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

Els cursos de Swing Maniacs - Grącia tenen un bon preu i es paguen mensualment. A més, en cas de no poder assistir a una classe, s'ofereix la possibilitat de recuperar-la en un altre moment.

Quins beneficis ofereix Swing Maniacs - Grącia?

Swing Maniacs - Grącia ofereix flexibilitat en els pagaments, possibilitat de recuperar classes perdudes i abonaments gratuļts. A més, es promou un ambient acollidor i s'organitzen esdeveniments i jams per a practicar el ball.

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